Sunday, September 20, 2015

14 Months

Our 14th month in Luxembourg has included some pretty big events -- our return from our three-week trip to the states, grand theft auto, a burgled home, overcoming jet lag, a trip to the dentist and the start of a new school year with both Otto and Aksel attending school. 

Our trip to Utah ended with really happy and peaceful sentiments about our choice to make our home in another place.

Our trip home to Luxembourg ended with really unfortunate news that still hasn't been resolved. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Back to School

The school year started in Luxembourg on September 15. 

Otto, age 4, began his official first year of Luxembourg school, called Cycle 1. Luxembourg law requires all children who are four years old prior to September 1 of each year to begin Cycle 1. 

Aksel, age 3, began his first year of Luxembourgish preschool, called Précoce. 

From the time school ended on July 15 until now, Otto has been asking when school would begin again. I overhead him telling Aksel on several occasions that it would be okay to cry. 

The night before school started, I asked Otto to tell Aksel what it would be like to go to school and Otto said: 

Aksel, it's going to be awesome. You're going to color and play and bake stuff and go to parks and ride buses and go on lots of fun field trips. 

There's so much to love about school in Luxembourg! 

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Flying from Salt Lake City to Luxembourg is a feat. 

We begin days before. We rest. We hydrate. We pack. We bring two backpacks full of spare clothes, snacks, headphones, iPads, toys, games, chapstick, gum, diapers and wipes. We know we won't sleep for 24 hours and our children will sleep for three or four hours, if we're lucky, or if we sacrifice a seat for them so they can sprawl out comfortably. 

So by the time we land in Paris, get our circus (family) off of the plane, onto a bus, through customs, onto another bus, hang out in a terminal for an hour and then walk to a gate, and climb aboard another airplane, it's about all we (I) can do to not sob for the 45-minute flight from Paris to Luxembourg.